Sunday, August 20, 2006

Every project should have it's own active blog

It's been two weeks and many little things have happened.

I've decided to recode parts of the system to make Consumer Gadget multi-lingual. Now every bit of "subjective information" is written in specific language. This allows the "objective information" to be same between differnet language versions of Consumer Gadget.

The Beer Exchange Stand (Consumer Gadget at Ars Electronica 2006) is getting ready, but I'm a bit worried about the ethical beer information, wheter we have it on time or not. More info about TBES will appear on it's own pages in near future.

Two Finnish newspaper articles will be published in a few weeks, so things are happening in Finland. I'll attempt to get publicity for the international version after Ars Electronica, maybe via Digg or something like that, but Consumer Gadget needs to be more than just a proof of concept before that.


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